To Vote or Not To Vote?

If you don't live in Kentucky much of this will be confusing to you... however I'm sure you can see the same principles working out wherever you're from.

This upcoming Nov. 2 is mid-term elections day. Many analysts and politicians are calling this the most crucial mid-term elections in years. The question on my mind is not who should I vote for but... should I even vote?

Typically my opinion on this matter is strong. In previous situations (especially Presidential elections) I've believed it our responsibility as citizens within a democracy to educate ourselves on the candidates and participate in the election process by voting. In fact one of the most God-honoring ways to support or even overthrow governments is to vote.

However during this election year I'm seriously considering not voting at all. Here's why...

First, I honestly cannot tell which candidate is telling the truth. If I'm to believe all the commercials I see I'm going to conclude that Rand Paul hates Jesus and old people. Jack Conway meanwhile wants to take all your money from you and spend it on himself. Ben Chandler actually hates the state of Kentucky. And Andy Barr's pants are on fire because he's been lying so much he's been arrested for it. Now I'm not naive enough to believe all the negative campaign ads against each of these men, but at the same time I also can't tell who is a genuine, responsible, caring candidate and who is a devil worshipper. That's how bad it's been.

Second, I've heard next to nothing from these candidates about what they stand for or what they're seeking to do if elected to office. The only things I have heard have been why I shouldn't vote for the other guy. This is one of the main reasons I might not vote at all. Each candidate has almost convinced me not to vote for the other guy!

Third I can't blindly vote for a party without knowing the man or woman I'm endorsing - as many voters can and do. I think it's an irresponsible act to cast your vote for someone simply because they stand under a certain political umbrella when you don't know the person at all. I think we can all agree that just because someone is a Republican doesn't mean they're not egotistical, money-hungry, selfish, prideful, or simply an awful person. There are many supporters of the Republican party that I've known over the years that I would never want in office running our country or state.

As always I challenge you to make your own decision in this matter. I'm simply stating my opinions in light of what I've seen this election season. I'm sure many of you now want to send me a lengthy comment or message on why I should vote for your favorite candidate that you've been so passionate about for the past few months. I won't discourage you... but I will challenge you to ask yourself... have I given as much time, energy, attention, and thought to my relationship with God as I have to my political stance/endorsement? Do I get as fired up about false theology as I do about those who disagree with my political philosophy?

When I was single and unmarried with much less to worry about I had the opportunity to delve a lot more into researching candidates and getting to know them. But now I'm understanding that a large portion of America has so many other things in their lives that take precedence over taking time out to research a candidate (and rightfully so!) like walking daily with God, raising a family, providing for that family, caring for sick relatives, navigating through the pressures of losing jobs, etc. In many of these cases the only knowledge these men and women will get is from the commercials I've been describing above. Hardly an objective way to make a responsible voting decision.

Again if you disagree with everything I've said, that's fine... politics is often a hot-button issue. The real question here is how can I best glorify God with the decision I make (to vote or not to vote, and if the former, for which candidate)? The answer might be different for you than it is for me.

In any case, I'll be thanking God when these horrible TV ads are over and done with.

John Davis

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