God-Centered Daily Devotions (pt. 5)

PRINCIPLE #5 - Embrace The Old Testament

Last night I was talking with a friend and we were both commenting on how our perception of God was not well-rounded until we finished reading the Old Testament for the first time. The OT often gets neglected for a few reasons...
  • Many of the worship practices in the OT are not meant to be practiced in the New Covenant
  • It's hard to understand
  • It can get repetitive - especially in the prophets or Kings & Chronicles
  • It's hard to apply some of its principles practically to life

Most people I talk to find it much easier to read Genesis, Exodus, Psalms, and Proverbs than to read books like Leviticus, Numbers, 2 Chronicles, and Ezekiel. This is completely understandable. However there is so much rich theology and truth in the neglected books of the OT that we will miss if we simply refuse to read them. If this describes you don't be satisfied with it. Learn all you can through commentaries and conversations with those familiar with these "tougher" books so that you can get into them yourself and be blessed by a more full knowledge of God.

One of the most important truths about God that I learned from the OT is that he is a wrathful and vengeful God. In the NT we primarily get a picture of God's love for sinners and the forgiveness and grace offered to us through Jesus Christ. However that love/grace/forgiveness takes on a much deeper and more full meaning in light of God's holiness which manifests itself in wrath when sin is present. Because God is perfectly holy and just he must punish every sin. In fact his nature requires him to actively pursue those who rebel against him with his wrath. After reading the OT I had a much deeper appreciation for the cross because I saw God's holiness and his need to punish every sin and consequently my need for Jesus to take that wrath and punishment on himself so that I could escape it. This is the true beauty of the gospel and I didn't fully comprehend it until I got a sweeping picture of God's wrath in the OT.

Here are some tips if you're finding it tough to read through the OT:

  1. Begin in Genesis
  2. Take breaks where you read the New Testament for a day
  3. Talk to someone regularly about what you're reading who understands it better than you
  4. Consult commentaries and other helps
  5. Persevere... don't quit... it will be worth it

Finally here are a few books that have helped me greatly in understanding and appreciating the Old Testament. If you have others that will help feel free to leave a comment!

  • Old Testament Turning Points by Victor Harold Matthews
  • Immanuel In Our Place by Tremper Longman III
  • How to Read the Bible For All Its Worth by Gordon Fee and Doug Stuart
  • An Introduction to the Old Testament by Tremper Longman III and Raymond Dillard

*** The last book is a larger textbook but it has a good chapter on each OT book that will help you get your bearings before reading it.

to be continued...

John Davis

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