Want to go to Seminary but Don't Have Time or $$$?

Ever since I've been in seminary I haven't taken it for granted. I know full well how lucky I am to be going to school to study the Bible... to have a classic Christian book given as a homework assignment... to have the privilege of sitting under some of the most knowledgable and spiritual men in the world... and to have the time and $$$ (well, kind of) to do it all.

I get a lot of people telling me how jealous and envious they are. Well this might help you out.

Remember in the film Good Will Hunting when Matt Damon's character embarrasses that arrogant Harvard student in the bar by telling him, "You wasted $150,000 on an education you coulda got for $1.50 in late fees from the public library"? Well there's some truth in that.

I grant that nothing can replace the interaction with professors and students, the ability to ask personal questions at any moment to your instructor, one-on-one attention, and deadlines forcing you to get more work done than you would otherwise. However you can get almost all of the information seminarians learn just by reading the books they do! And if you're really disciplined you can read enough to get yourself a seminary-equivalent education.

The key is finding all the right books. Not to worry... the Cincinnati Christian University Seminary's website contains the syllabi for all classes offered and it's open to the public. What's this mean for you? Free reading lists! You can't get the class notes or documents for free but you can browse for the books that we are assigned to read. I've included the link below...

Even if you don't want to start down the road to a full-scale seminary degree equivalent reading load, you can still browse the syllabi for certain courses on topics you're interested in. This way you're not stumbling in the dark on Amazon.com, taking the risk of finding popular books by heretical authors.

John Davis

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