How Allergy Medicine is Like Sin

Last week my allergies were KILLING me.  Man I can't wait for heaven and a body with no allergy

So I started taking some Zyrtec, which has worked very well for me in the past.

This time, not so much.

The main problem with Zyrtec, for me, is it makes me very sleepy.  I've got a pretty sedentary job where I sit at a desk and do mind-work most of the day so you can imagine why this is such a big deal.

This kind of "fake sleepiness" also makes my mind very foggy.  It's hard to think when I'm like that.  Sometimes an entire day can feel wasted because I just can't make decisions and I most certainly can't read my Bible or another book or pray like I want to.

In short, Zyrtec dulls my receptive senses.

The same is true of sin.

When there is persistent sin in my life my spiritual senses don't work like they should.  I don't feel the pleasure of God in his Word.  Bible reading becomes much like reading a physics textbook.

I don't feel the joy of being in the presence of God during corporate worship.  I sing the words but I don't connect with the one I'm singing to.

But oh, the difference when I know I've done a better job resisting sin and staying holy.

My spiritual senses come back slowly.  I once again feel the pleasure in reading the Bible.  I see things in the text that I didn't see before.  I apply it to my life.  I let it pierce my soul and the piercing feels good.

I once again feel alive and full of worship as I sing songs at church.  I feel a deep personal connection to the one I'm worshipping.  The same songs that were just noise the week before can bring me to tears when sin is out of my life.

The point is this...

When we let sin into our lives over and over again, it fogs up our soul just like Zyrtec fogs up my head.  It dulls our spiritual receptive senses to where we can't experience God like we're supposed to.

So one more reason to say "NO" the next time Satan comes at you with a temptation to sin is that it will lower your ability to experience joy in God later.

John Davis

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