Youth Ministry - a few weeks in

The end of this week marks the end of my 4th week as a youth minister. This is my first full-time ministry job and I'm already learning a lot of great lessons. Here are a few.

1. Prayer is the foundation of every ministry...

Prayer is so crucial because some of the things God calls us to do as ministers are absolutely impossible without the Holy Spirit going ahead of us and laying the groundwork. Bringing people to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ is something I have no power to do in myself. I need God to open people's hearts as he did Lydia in Acts 16:14. Then I need him to speak powerful words through me that will cut to the hearts of the people. Only God knows what others need to hear. Furthermore, God will work for you when you pray and trust him to help provide volunteers, raise up leaders, lead a congregation, and give you solid ideas. Without dependence on God I would most certainly over-work myself.

2. Keeping family first is crucial...

My roles as a husband and father always come before my role as a youth minister. I've quickly learned that, even though it's ordered like that in my head, my wife and little boy need my actions to line up with that so that they feel like they come before ministry. The key to this so far has been planning. When I plan well and communicate well with my wife, she feels she is important. When I fail to do so, it's easy for her to feel like she's getting my "leftover" time... and rightfully so.

3. The body of Christ is a wonderful blessing...

I can't express the generosity we've already felt from those at our new church home only four weeks in. It seems like every week someone new comes up and tells us what they're trying to get done to make our lives easier. Our church has so many people with unique gifts from God that have influence all over the local community... and not only that but they are generous with their gifts and talents. We've been very humbled by all the people in the congregation who've treated us like family from the moment we stepped in the door. We feel so very blessed to be a part of this particular local church.

4. Jesus really does love the little children...

I know this seems very obvious, but being in youth ministry reenforces it all the more. Children are so special in God's eyes because of their innocence and the fact that they are so influential. More than that, they give me so much joy. Singing songs and telling Bible stories to children is something that I forgot how much I enjoyed. In Mark 10:14 Jesus rebuked his disciples who were trying to get some kids to leave Jesus alone and he said to them, "Let the children come to me; do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God." Yes adult, college, and high school ministry might be more glorious, or fun, or rewarding... but, according to Jesus, it's a spiritual mistake to neglect children's ministry.

John Davis

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