A Shocking and Revealing Question...

Today my wife told me a story that made me want to cry... and also made me want to see how pro-choice people would respond.

To respect the privacy of the woman involved I will not mention how my wife knows about this story, but I assure you it is true. A couple days ago a woman my wife knows of (but does not have a personal relationship with) lost her baby prior to birth. She was 6 months pregnant.

In a shocking display of insensitivity (as well as a sad comment on our culture) the hospital called her and asked...

"Would you like us to send the baby's body to the funeral home or should we throw it out with the medical waste?"

It makes me sick to my stomach to even type it. So why am I posting it on my blog? Because this is one of the clearest examples of how stupid, senseless, blind, and ignorant the abortion debate has become.

Anyone in their right mind would be appalled at such a question. Is this actually a choice people make? The sad reality is that I'm sure it is. Why? Because the criteria given for legalizing abortion in the 1973 landmark case Roe v. Wade was that an unborn fetus has no inherent right to life because it is not considered to be a person.

Tell that to the woman who just lost her unborn child.

Tell that to my wife and I who are currently 6 months pregnant and have already named our little boy Owen, heard his heartbeat, felt him move, and felt when he's asleep and when he's awake.

Situations like this need to be talked about because they shed valuable clarity on a muddled debate. You take that baby to a funeral home... you donate $$ to the mother for the funeral... you remember the life that was and what could have been... and you look forward to meeting him/her in heaven... because that unborn baby was a person created in the image of God with an inherent right to life.

John Davis

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